Accounting and Auditing ;
- Nature, Scope and Objectives of Accounting-Accounting as an Information System-Users of Accounting Information.
- Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting-The Accounting Equation-Accrual Concept-Other concepts and conventions, Distinction between capital and revenue expenditure. Accounting Standards and their application-Accounting standards relating to fixed assets, depreciation, inventory, recognition of revenue.
- Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms and Limited Companies-Statutory Provisions -Reserves, Provisions and Funds.
- Final Accounts of non profit organisation.
- Accounting problems related to admission and retirement of a partner and dissolution of a firm.
- Accounting for Shares and Debentures- Accounting Treatment of Convertible Debentures.
- Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio analysis and interpretation. Ratios relation to short term liquidity, long term solvency and profitability-Importance of the rate of return on investment (ROI) in evaluating the overall performance of a business entity-Cash-flow Statement and Statement of Source and Application of Funds-Societal obligations of Accounting.
- Nature, objectives and basic principles of auditing.
- Techniques of Auditing-physical verification, examination of documents and vouching, direct confirmation, analytical review.
- Planning an audit, audit programmes, working papers, audit process.
- Evaluation of internal controls.
- Test checking and sampling.
- Broad outlines of company audit.
- Audit of non-corporate enterprises.
- Internal and management audit.
Business Organisation: Distinctive features of different forms of business organisation,Sole Proprietor, Partnerships-characteristics, Registration, Partnership deed, Rights and duties, Retirement, Dissolution.
- Joint Stock Company-Concept, characteristics, types.
- Cooperative and State ownership forms of organizations.
- Types of securities and methods of their issue.
- Economic functions of the capital market, stock exchanges, Mutual Funds. Control and regulation of capital market.
- Business combinations; control of Monopolies. Problems of modernisation of industrial enterprises. Social Responsibility of business.
- Foreign Trade-Procedure and financing of import and export trade. Incentives for export promotion. Financing of foreign trade.
- Insurance-Principles and practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General Insurance.
- Management functions-Planning-strategies, Organising-levels of authority Staffing, Line function and staff function, Leadership, Communication, Motivation, Directing-Principles, Strategies.
- Coordination-Concept, types, methods.
- Control-principles, performance standards, corrective action. Salary and wage administration-Job evaluation.
- Organisation Structure-Centralization and decentralization-Delegation of authority-span of control-Management by Objectives and Management by Exception.
- Management of change; Crisis Management.
- Office Managemet-scope and principles; systems and routines; handling of records- modern aids to Office management; office equipment and machines; Automation and Personal computers.
- Impact of Organisation and Methods (O & M)
Company Law
- Joint stock companies-incorporation; documents and formalities-Doctrine of indoor management and constructive notice.
- Duties and powers of the board of directors of a company.
- Accounts and Audit of Companies.
- Company Secretary-role and functions-qualifications for appointment.